Feb 27, 2021

Is the reading of Koran necessary? Anyone engaged in a subject matter ,will be concerned for anything related to it. Anyone had been engaged in a religious discipline whatever its identity ,he must be open to any book claimed to be from God. Because the pivotal thing is God(Allah) Himself,If we know him,we can make clear distinction between that which is coming from Him & which is not. The importance of Koran lied in its critical attitude whether to the previous Holy books or the human being in everydayness mode of being(Dasein/Adam after eating from the tree)) ,disclosing the reasons behind the deviation of religions after being practised in the world. The main reason is hermeneutical one which is related to the essential/ontological property of human being which is the interpretation, in which human try to make another copy of reality by using socio- culturally created Names(concepts). This interpretive activity is called judgement after being expressed symbolically (mainly through words). What is relvant to us in Husserlian phenomenology is the treatment of the problem of experience &judgement which are not linked to realty but to our preconception &prejudices about reality. phenomenology worked hard on this subject aiming to make reality appear through experience rather than concealed by it. Phenomenology attacked any approach started not from the things themselves ,for this reason phenomenology goal is to reach prelinguistic experiences through process of epoche/reduction in which we put between brackets our natural beliefs &conceptions,shifting from pragmatic,practical attitude to the reflectve/ phenomenological/ trancsendental /eidetic attitude .If we realy want to see the essence of things themselves,we must do this reduction which the purification in the koranic language.. Koran in many verses state that there is two realms: mundane realm ( this lived spatiotemporal world )&spiritual ,trancsendental ,divine one . These worlds are manifested through our attitude to things & persons , which determine which aspect will be given to us ,the contingent/particular or the necessary/ideal/essential aspect . This is what Husserl tried to explore through the concept of intentionality in which the dualism between object &subject disappear.Monotheism cannot understood without understanig the concept of intentionality .There is averse in koran which show this correlation between object &subject &the nessity of interpretive process. the verses is : He sendeth down water from the sky ,so that valleys flow according to their measure, the flood beareth (on its surface) swelling foam - from that which they smelt in the fire in order to make ornaments and tools riseth a foam like unto it - thus Allah coineth (the similitude of) the true and false.then ,as for the foam ,it passeth away as scum upon the banks ,while ,as for that which is of use to mankind ,it remaineth in the earth.Thus Allah coineth the similitudes. So this verses give validity to Husserlian phenomenology, as these verses highly clear in showing the intentional relationship between the Vally(consciousness in husserlian term)& the water (the transcndent/pure object).The interaction between Valley&water(Husserl called it lived experience),the interaction result in two things: 1- The foam(scum of the bank)-the false-which is called by Husserl the contingecies. The meaning of false here is a regarding an attitude which regard contingecies ultimate reality. 2-The invarient,the truth,which has intersubjective/transcendental dimensions,this what husserl emphasized as indicator of reaching objectvity . Koran detemines two group of people those who are follower of the foam,& those who are follower of the essences,invarient,transcendental(the truth). Phenomenology is the science of essences. Husserl task was to discover the transcendental realm in which the ego become pure ,transcendental intentionally correlated with its object which is the essence.This mean that Husserlian phenomenology fufilled one of the important koranic intentions.So we can fufill Allah (God) intentions through koran & phenomenology at this time.


Kurt Kawohl said...

Please peruse the Philosophy of the Teachings of Islam. http://www.alislam.org/books/philosophy/index.html
In The Philosophy of the Oaths of the Holy Qur’an paragraph 7 & 8 state:

As six hundred years had passed after the time of Jesus, and no recipient of revelation had appeared during the interval. The whole world had been corrupted. The history of every country shows that before the advent of the Holy Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, falsehood had become current throughout the world. Why did this happen? This happened because divine revelation had been held back for a long time and the kingdom of heaven had fallen into the hands of human reason alone. No one is unaware of the corruption in which the people were involved by following defective reason. Thus when the rain of revelation did not descend for a period, the water of reason dried up.

So in these oaths God Almighty draws attention to this firm and eternal law of nature and calls for reflection upon it that all the vegetation of the earth depends upon the water of heaven. Thus, for the hidden law that governs divine revelation the obvious law of nature is a witness. Then try to derive benefit from the testimony of this witness and do not make reason alone your guide, for it is not a water that can continue without heavenly water. As it is a characteristic of heavenly water that it pulls up the water of all the wells, whether it falls directly into a well or not, in the same way, when a recipient of divine revelation appears in the world then, whether a wise person follows him or not, reason is illumined and clarified to a degree not witnessed before. People begin to search for the truth and their faculty of reflection is stirred up from the unseen. Thus, all this upsurge of reason and of the heart is initiated by the blessed advent of the recipient of divine revelation and the waters of the earth are pulled up by it. So, when you find that everyone has started a search for religion and an upsurge has stirred earthly waters, then rise up and be warned and know for certain that heavy rain has fallen from heaven and that the water of divine revelation has fallen upon a human heart.

Is Allah interacting with man again in my spiritual experiences at http://transcendentalists.org ?

Ali Tareq said...

My dear Kurt
I wish i understand what you meant.
If you want to uderstand the islam you must read Henry corbin.After reading Henry corbin,you will see koran in different way.Koran is not directed to arab although its clothes is arabic .It is like oil present in our earth but the west make it appear.My blog as you read it stress on this point,phenomenology is the tool which is discoverd by the west,which can make us make benefit of koran .So i return to islamic tools when there is refrence from koran itself.
What you are said about the meaing of water is not limited to the period of Prophet Muhammad but it try to show why the pure revelation,become impure it is because like water when fall from heaven submitted to two cosequences,foamy respones to water, those who are attaching to the clothes of the revelation &leaving the core.Those who follow the core(like you now),which is irrevelant of place &time.So koran trying to show essence of reader(receiver) response.The main cause of the deviation is following the foamy interpretatin &leaving the transcendental aspect of revelation.
The prophet Muhammad said :I leave behind me two weighty thinks-If you grasp the two of them you will not go asray: the koran &my household(Ahl-ul-Bayt).
There is ego determined by Allah which is resposible for application of Koran which is represented by Prophet ,then by Ali ibn abi talib Who is called by the prophet alived koran.Did you know what moslems did to those whom Allah & prophet choose,they killed them one after anther,till now.
These people whom koran meant by the foamy follower.They leave Ahl al bayt &follow ignorant people.
Sorry if iam speaking about amatter you are not asking about ,but this is our islamic injury which must be known by persons like you.